The translation fee for such documents is typically calculated per word (usually, $0.15 to 0.25). It may vary depending on the language pair, the difficulty of the source text, and the complexity of the document layout. Discounts and surcharges apply (see below).
We charge a flat rate of $40 per page for standard government-issued documents. For other documents (educational, medical, and legal documents, as well as personal letters), we charge per word. Notarization is free.
We strongly recommend that your translation be proofread by one of the members of our qualified professional proofreading team. The editing fee generally amounts to 20–30% of the translation fee.
The rate for grammar editing is based on the quality of the unedited text (as determined by our editors).It may vary from $0.03 per word in the case of a well-written text to $0.15 per word for a text that needs to be completely rewritten.
Editing for style is charged on an hourly basis (with rates ranging from $30 to $60 per hour).